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What is the capital of Egypt? ( Cairo )

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. First you have to ensure that you are getting quality seedlings – fingerlings , post fingerlings , juvenile . Ensure that they are fed properly with the proper amount of feed and size of feed for the corresponding stage of growth that they are. Sort the fish as and when due to avoid cannibalisation and give each fish a chance to grow Space : you need adequate surface for the fishes to swim ,thrive and grow Then ensure that you change water as and at when due so that you water quality is top notch

  2. First you have to ensure that you getting quality seedlings – fingerlings , post fingerlings , juvenile . Ensure that they are fed properly with the proper amount of feed and size of feed for the corresponding stage of growth that they are. Sort the fish as and when due to avoid cannibalisation and give each fish a chance to grow Space : you need adequate surface for the fishes to swim ,thrive and grow Then ensure that you change water as and at when due so that you water quality is top notch

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What is the capital of Egypt? ( Cairo )